Update on Childhood Immunizations

To provide an overview of childhood immunizations with emphasis in new recommendations, as well as recent vaccine developments and special populations. English language literature identified via a MEDLINE search. Additional references were obtained from cited references. Original articles, reviews, and official publications were used to obtain the most accurate data on safety and efficacy of available pediatric vaccines, as well as current recommendations for their use. Immunizations have been an area of vigorous research for several years. New vaccines have been developed by improving older products to maximize immunogenicity and minimize adverse effects. Some of these novel vaccines, like the Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines (HibCV), have already contributed significantly to the prevention of diseases in childhood. New recommendations have been issued to help speed this process. Adverse effects of routine immunizations are generally mild and transient. The development of new effective and safe vaccines for children is an important step in the global eradication of contagious diseases. A new generation of combination vaccines has started with the combination of the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and HibCV. Some other combined products are yet to come that would eventually make immunization schedules more costeffective and improve compliance rates. Our colleagues in the community and in the ambulatory care setting must actively participate in the implementation of vaccination programs and provide education to parents regarding all aspects of the immunization process.