GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing

In recent years more than 20 assemblers have been proposed to tackle the hard task of assembling NGS data. A common heuristic when assembling a genome is to use several assemblers and then select the best assembly according to some criteria. However, recent results clearly show that some assemblers lead to better statistics than others on specific regions but are outperformed on other regions or on different evaluation measures. To limit these problems we developed GAM-NGS (Genomic Assemblies Merger for Next Generation Sequencing), whose primary goal is to merge two or more assemblies in order to enhance contiguity and correctness of both. GAM-NGS does not rely on global alignment: regions of the two assemblies representing the same genomic locus (called blocks) are identified through reads' alignments and stored in a weighted graph. The merging phase is carried out with the help of this weighted graph that allows an optimal resolution of local problematic regions.