Migration of Alkaline Pulses in Reservoir Sands

Establishing the amount of alkali loss by rock reactions is critical because successful application of most alkaline flooding techniques requires that hydroxide propagate through a large portion of the reservoir. This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the chromatographic movement of alkaline pulses when they are scaled to reservoir flow rates and distances. Using only this analysis and laboratory data, we show how to estimate the distance an alkaline pulse traverses under field conditions before its concentration diminishes to ineffective levels. Laboratory core tests and X-ray analyses identify the various mineral reactions and their rates. For clayey sands a fast, reversible, sodium/hydrogen ion exchange retards alkali concentration velocities. Fine silica and quartz are suggested as important dissolving minerals, with slower-dissolving clays and clay minerals releasing soluble aluminum, which may redeposit with soluble silica as new aluminosilicate minerals. While new mineral formation influences the aqueous aluminum and silica concentrations, hydroxide consumption appears to be controlled mainly by the dissolution reaction. First-order kinetics most closely represent the dissolution behavior; lumped-parameter rate constants are reported for Huntington Beach and Wilmington sands and for a Berea sandstone.

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