Can Stop be Light Enough ?

\def\nle{{\stackrel{<}{\sim}}} We examine a possibility for existence of a light supersymmetric partner of the top quark (stop) with mass 15 $\sim$ 20 GeV in the framework of the minimal supergravity GUT model. Such light stop could explain the slight excess of the high $p_{T}$ cross section of the $D^{*\pm}$-meson production in two-photon process at TRISTAN. We point out that the existence of such stop could change the dominant decay mode of some particles and could weaken substantially present experimental bounds on the supersymmetric parameter space. It seems that there is a finite parameter region allowing existence of the light stop even if we consider the present experimental data. Inversely, if the light stop was discovered at TRISTAN, masses and mixing parameters of the other SUSY partners as well as masses of the Higgs and the top will be severely constrained, for example, $m_{\tilde{g}} \simeq$75GeV, $m_{\tilde{W_{1}}}\nle$55GeV, 90GeV$\nle m_{\tilde{\ell}} \nle$130GeV, 100GeV$\nle m_{\tilde{q}}\nle$150GeV, $m_{h}\nle$60GeV and 115GeV$\nle m_{t}\nle$135GeV. Some phenomenological implications on the present and future experiments are also discussed.

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