Comparative assessment of a new nonempirical density functional: Molecules and hydrogen-bonded complexes

A comprehensive study is undertaken to assess the nonempirical meta-generalized gradient approximation (MGGA) of Tao, Perdew, Staroverov, and Scuseria (TPSS) against 14 common exchange-correlation energy functionals. Principal results are presented in the form of statistical summaries of deviations from experiment for the G3/99 test set (223 enthalpies of formation, 86 ionization potentials, 58 electron affinities, 8 proton affinities) and three additional test sets involving 96 bond lengths, 82 harmonic vibrational frequencies, and 10 hydrogen-bonded complexes, all computed using the 6-311++G(3df,3pd) basis. The TPSS functional matches, or exceeds in accuracy all prior nonempirical constructions and, unlike semiempirical functionals, consistently provides a high-quality description of diverse systems and properties. The computational cost of self-consistent MGGA is comparable to that of ordinary GGA, and exact exchange (unavailable in some codes) is not required. A one-parameter global hybrid version of the TPSS functional is introduced and shown to give further improvement for most properties.