Progressive encoding of complex isosurfaces

We present a progressive encoding technique specifically designed for complex isosurfaces. It achieves better rate distortion performance than all standard mesh coders, and even improves on all previous single rate isosurface coders. Our novel algorithm handles isosurfaces with or without sharp features, and deals gracefully with high topologic and geometric complexity. The inside/outside function of the volume data is progressively transmitted through the use of an adaptive octree, while a local frame based encoding is used for the fine level placement of surface samples. Local patterns in topology and local smoothness in geometry are exploited by context-based arithmetic encoding, allowing us to achieve an average of 6.10 bits per vertex (b/v) at very low distortion. Of this rate only 0.65 b/v are dedicated to connectivity data: this improves by 24% over the best previous single rate isosurface encoder.

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