Stochastic quantization of matrix and lattice gauge models

We introduce a stochastic diffusion equation and the Fokker-Planck equation for various matrix models including the U(N)×U(N) chiral model and lattice gauge theories. It is shown how to calculate various U(N) integrals using the stochastic equation. In particular, in the external-field problem, the exact large-N result (in the weak-coupling region) is reproduced and a 1N2 correction is computed. Also, the order parameter detU is calculated up to order 1β2. In the U(N)×U(N) chiral model, the large-N reduction and quenching is done in the context of stochastic quantization, and the semiclassical results of Bars, Gunaydin, and Yankielowicz for the free energy and the two-point correlation function are derived. In lattice gauge theory, a very simple way of deriving the complete Schwinger-Dyson equations from the Fokker-Planck equation is demonstrated and, as in the chiral model, a reduced, quenched stochastic equation is derived.