We use in this study a novel kinetic approach to determine the H+ titration properties of a semiburied salt link in the transition state for unfolding of barnase. The approach is based on changes in the pH dependence of the kinetics upon mutation of a target residue. This makes it relatively insensitive to the absolute value of the stability and, thereby, to artifacts caused by structural rearrangements around the site of mutation. The semiburied salt bridge studied here is between Asp93 and Arg69. Mutation of either residue significantly destabilizes the protein, and the pKa value of Asp93 is severely lowered in the native state to below 1 because of the ionic interaction with Arg69. The Asp93−Arg69 salt link appears to be formed early in the folding process; the pKa value of Asp93 in the transition state (∼1) is similar to that in the native state, and deletion of the ionic interaction with Arg69 substantially destabilizes the folding intermediate and changes the kinetic behavior from multistate to two-state or close to two-state, depending on the conditions. The results suggest that the formation of ionic interactions within clusters of hydrophobic residues can be important for early folding events and can control kinetically the folding pathway. This is not because of the inherent stability of the salt link but because the presence of two unpaired charges is very unfavorable. The data reveal also that fractional Φ values are consistent with a uniformly expanded transition state or one with closely spaced energy levels and not with parallel folding pathways.