Trond Vedeld, ‘Local Institution-Building and Resource Management in the West African Sahel’, Forum for Development Studies, No. 1, pp. 23–50. Over the last fifteen years, the World Bank and other donors have provided support to the formation of pastoral organisations (POs) to serve as community-based instruments of natural resources management (NRM) and development. Although the experiences with the formation of these POs are mixed, there is evidence of positive achievements. Several steps have been taken in the right direction. POs now organise various natural resource management actions (awareness raising, bushfire control, rangeland and water-point management) and provide development services to the local communities (animal health, training and provision of food and other items). Water points provide a basis for small cohesive groups and their management can become the first main activity in an improved NRM regime. The POs have low income-generation capacities and financial viability. Many POs are, however, able to run certain economic activities with some profit (e.g. veterinary drug stores). POs may be encouraged to raise charges for water and herding services from absentee herd owners. In all projects, there is evidence of government and project failures which need to be addressed if pastoral institution-building is to move forward. The article points to the need for greater governmental commitment in terms of resource allocations, support for tenurial reforms and secure access to water and grazing resources, and higher efficiency in the provision of development services and infrastructure. There should be a shift from a project approach to a broader institutional development approach. More systematic efforts are required to build competence and capacity in government and donor agencies on local institution-building and NRM.