Naturally Occurring Fibromas of Grey Squirrels Related to Shope's Rabbit Fibroma

Six squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) collected in the vicinity of Washington, D. C, were covered with multiple tumors from a few mm. to 2.5 cm. in diam. Histologic sections revealed inclusion bodies and other pathologic features similar to those found in cottontail fibromas, originally descr. by Shope. Squirrel fibroma has been carried through 2 intracutaneous passages in grey squirrels, 4 consecutive passages in woodchucks (Marmota monax) and 2 passages in domestic rabbits. Tumors induced in woodchucks may persist for over 60 days. Immunologic studies, carried out by means of neutralization tests in the skin of domestic rabbits, also indicated a close relationship between cottontail and squirrel fibromas. Sera from squirrels with tumors had neutralizing antibodies against the OA strain of Shope fibroma virus. Squirrel fibromas as transmitted to domestic rabbits are specifically neutralized both by immune cottontail and by immune squirrel sera.

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