Virion DNA-independent RNA polymerase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The "killer" plasmid and a larger double-stranded RNA plasmid of yeast exist in intracellular virion particles. Purification of these particles from a diploid killer strain of yeast (grown into stationary growth on ethanol) resulted in co-purification of a DNA-independent RNA polymerase activity. This activity incorporates and requires all four ribonucleoside triphosphates and will not act on deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. The reaction requires magnesium, is inhibited by sulfhydryl-oxidizing reagents and high concentrations of monovalent cation, but is insensitive to DNase, alpha-amanitin, and actinomycin D. Pyrophosphate inhibits the reaction as does ethidium bromide. Exogenous nucleic acids have no effect on the reaction. The product is mostly single-stranded RNA, some of which is released from the enzymatically active virions.