Prenatal and postnatal characterization of Y chromosome structural anomalies by molecular cytogenetic analysis

We describe three cases in which we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to characterize Y chromosome structural anomalies, unidentifiable by conventional G‐banding. Case 1 was a 46,X,+mar karyotype; FISH analysis revealed an entire marker chromosome highlighted after hybridization with the Y chromosome painting probe. The PCR study showed the presence of Y chromosome markers AMG and SY620 and the absence of SY143, SY254 and SY147. CGH results confirmed the loss of Yq11.2‐qter. These results indicated the presence of a deletion: del(Y)(q11.2). Case 2 was a 45,X [14]/46,XY[86] karyotype with a very small Y chromosome. The PCR study showed the presence of Y chromosome markers SY620 and AMG, and the absence of SY143, SY254 and SY147. CGH results showed gain of Yq11.2‐pter and loss of Yq11.2‐q12. These results show the presence of a Yp isodicentric: idic(Y)(q11.2). Case 3 was a 45,X,inv(9)(p11q12)[30]/46,X,idic(Y)(p11.3?),inv(9)(p11q12)[70] karyotype. The FISH signal covered all the abnormal Y chromosome using a Y chromosome paint. The PCR study showed the presence of Y chromosome markers AMG, SY620, SY143, SY254 and SY147. CGH only showed gain of Yq11.2‐qter. These results support the presence of an unbalanced (Y;Y) translocation. Our results show that the combined use of molecular and classical cytogenetic methods in clinical diagnosis may allow a better delineation of the chromosome regions implicated in specific clinical disorders. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.