Antifeedant Delphinium Diterpenoid Alkaloids. Structure−Activity Relationships

The insect antifeedant and toxic activity of the Delphinium diterpene alkaloids 15-acetylcardiopetamine, cardiopetamine along with its amino alcohol, the beta,gamma unsaturated ketone, and the acetylated ketone derivatives were studied in Spodoptera littoralis and Leptinotarsadecemlineata. Cardiopetamine and 15-acetylcardiopetamine strongly inhibited the feeding activity of S. littoralis and L. decemlineata, respectively. Structure-activity studies with S. littoralis showed that the C13 and C15 hydroxy substituents are essential features of the active molecule, while a C13 hydroxy and/or a C15 acetate determined their effect on L.decemlineata. The C11 benzoate group enhanced the biological effect on both insect species. These alkaloids were not toxic to S. littoralis, while their toxicity on L. decemlineata was inversely correlated with their antifeedant effects, the beta,gamma unsaturated ketone derivative being the most toxic. Cardiopetamine showed little antifungal action against several species of plant pathogens and did not have any mutagenic effects on Salmonella typhimurium by means of the Ames test.