At the 222-kev resonance in the reaction Mg24(p, γ)Al25, a 2.05±0.02-Mev gamma ray in cascade with one of 0.454±0.005 Mev, and a 1.56±0.03-Mev gamma ray in cascade with one of 0.97±0.03 Mev have been observed. The intensities of the 2.05, 1.56, and 0.97-Mev gamma rays are in the ratio of 100:14:5. The 2.05-Mev gamma rays have a thick target yield of (1.0±0.5)×1011 γp, and exhibit an isotropic angular distribution with respect to the bombarding beam. The width at half-maximum of the reasonance is less than 2 kev. The level in Al25 formed at the 222-kev resonance has an energy of 2.50±0.02 Mev, and a spin and parity of ½± or 32+, with the latter being a less probable assignment.