Tricyclic Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Preliminary Report

The management of severe depression during pregnancy and lactation is a serious concern to both physicians and parents, since the use of tricyclic antidepressant drugs (TCAs) has not been proven to be safe. This is a preliminary report of our ongoing studies of four groups of women treated with tricyclic antidepressants before and during pregnancy and/or lactation. The four groups are women who: became pregnant while on TCAs ( n = 9); were prescribed TCAs during pregnancy ( n = 9); were prescribed TCAs during lactation ( n = 20); or were clinically depressed during lactation, but who refused TCAs ( n = 5). Our results to date on the very small number of subjects indicate that there have been no fetal malformations, no greater frequency of complications during labor and delivery than in the normal population, only short-term withdrawal symptoms in the neonate, and no adverse effects on the breast-fed infants of mothers on TCAs. However, all of the lactating mothers who refused TCAs had exacerbation of symptoms; two required treatment in hospital, and all five ultimately had to discontinue nursing and commence treatment with TCAs.