Structural Stability of the Square Flux Line Lattice in YNI2B2C and LuNi2B2C Studied with Small Angle Neutron Scattering

We have studied the flux line lattice in YNi2B2C and LuNi2B2C, the nonmagnetic end members of the borocarbide superconductors using small angle neutron scattering and transport. For fields, Hc, we find a square symmetric lattice which disorders rapidly above H/Hc20.2, well below the “peak effect” at H/Hc2=0.9. The results for H/Hc2<0.2 can be understood within the collective pinning model, and are controlled by the tilt modulus c44. For H/Hc2>0.2, the disordering appears to be associated with the field dependence of the shear modulus, c66.