Functional disomy of Xp: Prenatal findings and postnatal outcome

We report on trisomy of the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp11.2 → pter) due to a de novo unbalanced X;13 translocation diagnosed prenatally in a female fetus. Amniocentesis was performed at 20‐weeks' gestation following ultrasound finding of a Dandy–Walker malformation. The trisomy of Xp11.2 → pter was confirmed with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using an X chromosome painting probe and telomeric FISH probes specific for the short arm of chromosome X. The karyotype was defined as 46,XX,der(13)t(X;13)(p11.2;p11.2). Molecular analysis suggested that the extra Xp material was of paternal origin. FISH analysis with an XIST probe showed that the derivative chromosome 13 did not include the XIST locus at the X‐inactivation center (XIC). A complex phenotype was seen at birth including macrosomia, facial dysmorphism with preauricular tag, congenital heart defects, and structural brain malformations. Because the derivative chromosome was not subject to X inactivation, functional disomy of Xp11.2 → pter most likely accounts for the abnormal phenotype in this patient.