Simian virus 40 T antigen is required for viral excision from chromosomes.

SV40 T antigen is required for viral excision from host chromosomes at some point to or during the homologous recombination events that create circular wild-type virus. Two recombinant SV40-pBR322 plasmids were constructed such that homologous recombination across similar-sized but different duplications of SV40-pBR322 plasmids were constructed such that homologous recombination across similar-sized but different duplications of SV40 would reconstitute wild-type viral DNA. One plasmid (pSVED) was constructed such that the duplication separates the viral early T-antigen promoter from the coding sequences; the other recombinant (pSVLD) contains a duplication of the late viral sequences and thus maintains a complete T-antigen gene. These plasmids were individually established in Rat 2 cells via cotransformation with the herpes virus Tk gene. Both classes of cell lines contained integrated tandem arrays of the plasmids and yielded equivalent levels of infectious virus after cell fusions with COS-7 cells; however, only the T+ lines yielded virus after cell fusion with CV-1 cells. These results are consistent with the notion that viral excision is initiated by T-antigen-mediated in situ replication of viral DNA as proposed in the "onion skin" model. In contrast, both plasmids yielded infectious virus when transiently introduced via transfection into CV-1 cells. This latter finding is discussed in terms of the possible induction of cellular repair and recombination pathways evoked by the introduction of damaged DNA into the nucleus.