In the Woodroffe Thrust mylonite zone, central Australia, recrystallization in plagioclase and K‐feldspar involved subgrain rotation, assisted by grain‐boundary or kink band boundary bulging, without contribution from a change in the chemical composition from host grains to new grains. The size of subgrains and new grains changes across the mylonite zone, apparently as a function of the strain rate and the H2O content of the rock.The partitioning of deformation into zones of progressive shearing and progressive shortening controls the sites of recovery and recrystallization in feldspar during mylonitization. The size of feldspar porphyroclasts in well developed mylonites is governed by the scale of deformation partitioning reached in the earlier stages of mylonitization, before the formation of a large proportion of fine‐grained matrix that can accommodate the progressive shearing component of the deformation.Recrystallization occurs in microcline, apparently without involving a translation to a monoclinic structure, as microcline‐twinned new grains are common adjacent to microcline‐twinned host grains. K‐feldspar triclinicity values calculated from XRD traces increase from the margins to the interior of the mylonite zone, in conjunction with deformation intensity. K‐feldspar host grains locally have cores of orthoclase or untwinned microcline, surrounded by mantles of twinned microcline, suggesting a relationship between the presence of microcline twinning and the degree of K‐feldspar triclinicity.