Important structural features of the two low-temperature phases of RbAg4 I5, designated β,γ in order of decreasing temperature, have been determined, even though the precise structure of the γ phase is unattainable because of the large number of structural parameters and the limitations on available data. At 130 K, the β phase is rhombohedral, space group R32(D37), with a=11.17±0.01 Å, α=90.1°±0.05°. Most of the displacements of ions and equilibrium Ag+ ion sites, relative to the α phase, are small, the largest, 0.3 Å, being those for two Ag+ ion sites. The largest displacement of an I ion is 0.1 Å. The most significant difference between the α and β phases is the preferential distribution of Ag+ ions, in the latter, over sets of sites formerly crystallographically equivalent. However, the distribution does not change very much over analogous sites: In αRbAg4I5 the distribution is 0.9, 9.4, and 5.5 Ag+ ions in the Agc, Ag-II, and Ag-III sites, respectively, while the analogous values in βRbAg4I5 are 1.3, 10.5, and 4.2. (The limits of error are probably about the same as in the α phase.) Neither α- nor βRbAg4I5 can be ordered and therefore the 209-K transition is a "disorder-disorder" transition. The γRbAg4I5 is trigonal, most probable space group P321 (D32), with a=15.776±0.005 Å and c=19.320±0.005 Å at 90 K. The unit cell has three times the volume of the rhombohedral cell and therefore contains 12 RbAg4