Collision-induced desorption of physisorbed CH4 from Ni(111): Experiments and simulations

The desorption of CH4 physisorbed on Ni(111) is observed to be induced by collision with Ar atoms incident with energies less than 2 eV. The absolute cross section for collision‐induced desorption of CH4 in the low coverage limit of an isolated CH4 molecule and from a saturated CH4monolayer is measured as a function of the kinetic energy and incident angle of the Ar beam. The dominant mechanism for collision‐induced desorption is determined to involve the direct collision of the incident Ar with the physisorbed CH4. Indirect, surface mediated desorption processes and multiple desorptions are found to be unimportant. Three‐dimensional, classical molecular dynamics simulations based upon a hard sphere/hard cube model of the direct collision mechanism show that the complicated dependence of the desorption cross section at low CH4 coverage on the Ar energy and incident angle is the result of two competing dynamical effects: the increase in the geometrical collision cross section and the decrease in the Ar kinetic energy that can be transferred to CH4 motion normal to the surface as the Ar incident angle increases. Multiple Ar–CH4collisions and mirror collisions are found to make relatively minor contributions to the cross section for collision induced desorption. Normal energy accommodation during the CH4‐surface collision plays a significant role in determining the threshold energy for desorption. At high CH4 coverage, the obstruction of small impact parameter, head‐on Ar–CH4collisions by neighboring CH4 molecules at large angles of incidence is the origin of the difference in the cross section observed for low and high CH4 coverage.