Testosterone Restores Testicular Inhibin Content in Cryptorchid Rats.

The effects of testosterone administration on testicular inhibin content and histology were studied in bilaterally cryptorchid rats, in which a marked decrease in testicular inhibin content had been observed. Mature male Wistar rats weighing approximately 300 g were made bilaterally crytorchid by placing the testes in the abdominal cavity. Testosterone in oil, 0.1, 1.0 or 10 mg, was given i.m. each week. Testicular inhibin and testosterone content, histology and plasma LH, FSH and testosterone were studied 2 weeks later. Abnormally decreased testicular inhibin in crytorchidism was restored toward normal by testosterone in a dose dependent manner in 2 weeks after surgery. Sertoli cell structure also recovered toward normal with increasing amount of testosterone. Decreased testicular testosterone content and Leydig cell atrophy were observed with suppressed plasma LH and FSH after testosterone. These results showed that the increased plasma concentration of testosterone had a stimulatory effect on the Sertoli cell function in cryptorchidism, in which compensated Leydig cell failure was demonstrated.