Multiple cylindroma or true turban tumors of the scalp are relatively rare. Ronchese1 reviewing the literature on turban tumors to 1932 could collect only 31 fully developed cases. Since 1932 Schuermann and Weber2 have reported 5 cases which they observed in the clinic of Friboes, thus bringing the total number of reported cases to 36. Most of the cases reported are from German and French literature. Only 5 observations are fully recorded in the American literature. The American cases were reported by Ronchese,1 Cohn,3 Sutton,4 Stillians5 and Jones, Alden and Bishop.6 Hence, the report of an additional case with classic clinical and histologic findings is justified. REPORT OF A CASE History.— D. L., a Jewish man aged 68, born in Lithuania and resident in America for many years, came to the skin dispensary of the Mount Sinai Hospital on March 12, 1939, for