The absolute sea level differential cosmic muon spectra at zenith angles 45 degrees and 60 degrees in the western azimuth have been determined near the geomagnetic equator (at 12 degrees N) by using the range spectrograph in the momentum interval 0.5-3 GeV/c. The experimental muon spectra after corrections agree well with the spectra, calculated after Jabs theory for the same location, above muon momentum 1.8 GeV/c. The results have been compared with others obtained at higher latitudes. It is found that the variation of differential muon intensity with 1g sec theta ( theta is the zenith angle of the spectrograph axis) diminishes slowly with the increase of muon momentum from 1 to 3 GeV/c. The variation of the cosine exponent in the expression I( theta )=I(0) cosn theta agrees with that calculated after Jabs. The present spectra after latitude corrections for 55 degrees N agree well with that magnetic spectrograph result of Allkofer and Andresen for the same latitude at 45 degrees W and with that of Judge and Nash for 60 degrees W.