Structural transformation in densified silica glass: A molecular-dynamics study

Pressure-induced structural transformation and the concomitant loss of intermediate-range order (IRO) in high-density SiO2 glass are investigated with the molecular-dynamics (MD) approach. The MD simulations cover a wide range of mass densities—from normal density (2.20 g/cm3) to the density corresponding to stishovite (4.28 g/cm3). This twofold increase in the density produces significant changes in the short-range order and intermediate-range order. As the density increases from 2.20 to 4.28 g/cm3, the Si-O bond length increases from 1.61 to 1.67 Å, the Si-O and O-O coordinations change from 4 to 5.8 and from 6 to 12, respectively, and the O-Si-O bond angle changes from 109° to 90°. These results provide firm evidence of structural transition from a corner-sharing Si(O1/2 )4 tetrahedral network to a network of Si(O1/3 )6 octahedra jointed at corners and edges. At normal density, the first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the static structure factor S(q) is at 1.6 Å1 whereas under pressure the height of the FSDP is considerably diminished and its position shifts to larger q values. At a density of 2.64 g/cm3, a peak in S(q) appears at 2.85 Å1. The height of this peak grows as the density increases. All of these results are in agreement with the recent high-pressure x-ray measurements on SiO2 glass.