Moult of the Red-Necked Stint

SUMMARY Thomas, D. G., and A. J. Dartnall. 1971. Moult of the Red-necked Stint. Emu 71: 49–53. Timing and duration of moult of the Red-necked Stint are analysed from specimens collected at the southern limit of the winter range. The mean duration of primary moult is 110–115 days, starting between late August and early December and finishing between mid-December and late March. Secondary moult finishes before primary moult is completed, but moult of rectrices may not finish until shortly after. Thus, moult of the flight feathers coincides with the time spent on the wintering grounds. Pre-basic moult starts before birds arrive on the wintering grounds, and pre-alternate body-moult finishes after they leave. Moult of flight feathers does not start until the pre-basic moult is well advanced and does not finish until after the pre-alternate moult has started. Body-moult may be suspended during migration.