Metabolism of the lactating cow: III. Properties of mechanistic models suitable for evaluation of energetic relationships and factors involved in the partition of nutrients

TWO models of lactating dairy cows were constructed by combining mechanistic models of digestion and metabolism reported previously and by adding elements to allow simulation of changes in tissue metabolic capacities over time. One model (day version) had an integration interval of 0·005 d and was suitable for simulation of within-day dynamics of nutrient supply and partition. The other (lactation version) had an integration interval of 1 d and was suitable for simulation of full lactation cycles. A number of simulation analyses were conducted to characterize and evaluate the models, to examine quantitative and dynamic properties of mechanisms which influence partition of nutrients, to identify aspects requiring further study, and to illustrate the potential usefulness of mechanistic, as compared to empirical, models in analyses of energy balance in lactating dairy cows.