A new simple method for synchronous germ tube production in Candida albicans has been described, based on the further incubation of cells released from stationary grown cultures in aerated mineral medium enriched with vitamins and low glucose concentration (5 mmol/l). At higher initial glucose (e.g. 250 mmol/l) the growth proceeded in yeastlike form. At low glucose concentration germ tubes developed at 28°C which is in contradiction with the results of many authors, considering 37°C besides other factors to be an inevitable requirement. On the other hand the cell population from stationary growth phase was the absolute prerequisite for massive germ tube production. Its importance for other inductive techniques is assumed. The report brings comparative results concerning the physiological and biochemical properties as well as the ultrastructure of the yeastlike and mycelial forms. Neither were found any differences in respiration intensity nor in respiration quotients during the development of both growth forms. Slight dissimilarities resulted from the incorporation experiments (using 14C labeled adenine, leucine and especially glycine). The mycelial cell walls were found to contain twice as much chitin as the yeastlike form. Some suggestion for further biochemical elucidation of dimorphism in Candida albicans and fungal morphogenesis generally are presented.