
Although carefully selected and adjusted therapy consisting of acne "surgery," dietary restrictions, antibiotics, estrogens, and vitamin A given orally, x-ray therapy, local therapy, and general hygienic advice is ordinarily sufficient to control acne vulgaris, our offices are crowded with teenagers who suffer from the disease. Rarely do we cure acne in one consultation. The majority of patients return week after week, or month after month, and in recalcitrant cases treatment may continue for years. I practically never give x-ray therapy these days because of the general fear of radiation, which I somewhat share. Also I seldom use estrogens in the treatment of acne because the results are rarely good. The use of estrogens in adolescent males is seldom effective, and certainly is a type of space medicine where the doctor enters a field about which he is almost completely ignorant. The use of estrogens in adolescent females is less objectionable

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