Veno-occlusive disease-like hepatotoxicity in two children receiving chemotherapy for Wilms' tumor and clear cell sarcoma of kidney.

We report two pediatric cases who developed veno-occlusive disease-like hepatotoxicity while receiving chemotherapy for Wilms' tumor and clear cell sarcoma of kidney. The chemotherapeutics, including vincristine, actinomycin D, and epirubicin in case 1 and vincristine and actinomycin D in case 2, were given before the hepatotoxicity developed. Other possible causes of hepatotoxicity were excluded. Recovery was observed with supportive therapy after 2 and 1 weeks, respectively. After recovery, the children tolerated continued chemotherapy without any decrease in the doses of drugs. We conclude that vincristine and actinomycin D were the cause of this rare from of hepatotoxicity and that chemotherapy for the underlying malignant disease could be given safely after clinical recovery.