A Scottish national audit of current patterns of management for patients with testicular non-seminomatous germ-cell tumours

A detailed casenote review was performed on all 65 patients registered with testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCT) during 1989 under the Scottish Cancer Registration Scheme. Details of management at presentation and 2 years following diagnosis were recorded and analysed. In a small number of patients an unacceptable delay in diagnosis was noted. Variation was found in the frequency and type of investigations performed on patients placed on surveillance, types of chemotherapy regimens used and numbers of patients entered into trials. Three per cent of patients had a biopsy of the contralateral testis and 27% of patients defaulted from clinic attendance. Considerable variation in the management of testicular NSGCT in Scotland has been identified. The introduction of management guidelines should result in a more consistent approach to the care of these patients. Support, both financial and psychological, may reduce the unacceptable rate of default.