The fungicidal properties of certain spray-fluids, XI. Synthetic solvents

The fungicidal and phytocidal properties of manufactured hydrocarbons and their simpler hydroxyl-derivatives and esters have been examined by application in spray-form to young leaves of hops bearing powdery patches of the hop powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca humuli (D.C.) Burr.). The sprays were prepared by agitation with 0·25 per cent. Agral I solutions. For ease of description the term fungicidal is applied only to sprays which are lethal to the fungus, whilst a spray is termed phytocidal when injury to the leaf results at areas not invaded by the fungus.1. Benzene was fungicidal and phytocidal at concentrations of 2 per cent., whereas the hydrogenation products, cyclohexane, methyl cyclohexane and dekalin, were inactive at this concentration. Fungicidal and phytocidal properties were shown at 7 per cent, of the two former, and 3–4 per cent. of the latter.