Pre-Existing Antidepressant Medication and the Outcome of Group Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the impact of pre-existing medication on the outcome of group cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) in the treatment of patients with depression. Method: Of the 71 patients diagnosed with major depression who participated in group CBT, 25 were on medication (CBT-M) and 46 were unmedicated (CBT). The patients received 12 sessions of group CBT over a 3-month period. The dependent measures used were the Beck Depression Inventory, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, Hopelessness Scale, Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, Daily Activity Rating Scale and Daily Mood Rating Scale. Results: Both the CBT and CBT-M groups showed statistically significant improvement in depression scores and cognitive process measures. However, the rate of improvement for both groups on these measures did not differ. Conclusion: The study indicated that pre-existing antidepressant medication did not enhance or detract from the positive treatment outcome of depressed patients receiving a group CBT treatment.