Control of the Two-Electron-Temperature Plasma Parameter in a DP Device

A two-electron-temperature plasma is observed in a double-plasma device when the space potential approaches the potential of the cathode filaments. The densities of the hot and cold electrons (N eh and N ec) are controlled by the target discharge current I t and target filament current I Ft. When I t increases, N eh increases. When I Ft increases, N ec increases. The ratio of the density of the hot to the cold electronsm, N (=N eh/N ec), can be controlled: when I t increases, N increases from 0.8 up to 5.0, and when I Ft increases, N decreases from 1.1 to 0.25. The hot and cold electron temperatures T h and T c are kept almost constant at 3.5∼6.0 eV and 1.0 eV, respectively.