Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Causes Regression in Patients with Advanced Malignancies

Fifteen patients with advanced solid tumors of various types were treated by the intratumoral administration of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rH-TNF). The treatment appeared to benefit the 4 cases of superficial tumors: there were 1 complete response, 1 partial response and 2 minor responses. In all 11 patients with deep-seated tumors, including 6 cases of pancreatic cancer, 4 of liver cell cancer and 1 of metastatic liver tumor, no tumor regression was observed, but progression stopped in all these tumors. Seven of the 11 with deep-seated tumors showed a decrease in tumor markers and/or the development of tumor necrosis. Fever, hypotension and fatigue were the main clinical side effects. No significant changes were found in hematologic, renal or liver parameters. These results suggest that administration of rH-TNF to the tumor site has the potential for controlling local tumor growth.