Immunoelectron Microscopy for Chromogranin a in Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Lung

To see if immunoelectron microscopy can improve localization of neurosecretory granules, postembedding immunolabelling for chromogranin A was performed on 15 examples of small cell anaplastic (neuroendocrine) carcinomas primary in lung, five cases of bronchopulmonary carcinoids, and two cases of pheochromcytoma; both the carcinoids and pheochromocytomas had neurosecretory granule-rich cytoplasm by routine electron microscopy and some neurosecretory granules were identified in each of the small cell carcinomas. Immunolabeling for chromogranin A resulted in many colloidal gold particles over cytoplasmic secretory granules in both pheochromcytomas and four of the carcinoids. One carcinoid that was focally positive by immunoperoxidase staining was negative by immunoelectron microscopy. None of the 15 cases of small cell carcinoma stained for chromogranin A using immunoperoxidase techniques, but three had a small number of secretory granules weakly labeled by the anti-chromogranin A/colloidal gold complex. Immunoelectron microscopy, at least using standard glutaraldehyde fixation and epoxy resin embedding, does not increase the sensitivity of neurosecretory granule identification in small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lung. Results of other studies of this neoplasm suggest that despite transcription of chromogranin genes, synthesis of the specific protein may occur to a limited extent or not at all.