Human papillomavirus in exophytic condylomatous lesions on different female genital regions

Clinically diagnosed exophytic condylomatous lesions on the vulva (20 cases), vagina (5 cases), and cervix (9 cases) were examined pathologically, and human papillomavirus (HPV) types present in those lesions were identified by Southern blot hybridization analysis. All vulvar and vaginal lesions showed typical histopathological features of classical condylomata, and HPV 6 and 11 were found in 15 vulvar and 3 vaginal lesions and in 5 vulvar and 2 vaginal lesions, respectively. In 5 cervical lesions with typical condylomatous changes, HPV 6 or 11 was also detected; however, HPV 16 was found in 2 cases of cervical lesion surrounded by prominent intraepithelial neoplasia, and HPV 31 was found in 2 cases of slightly elevated lesion with intraepithelial neoplasia. These observations suggest that HPV 6 and 11 have the potency to induce the specific pathological changes, condylomatous, in any regions of the female lower genital tract.