Fructan and cryoprotection in ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.)

Changes in carbohydrate content and composition of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cv. Reveille field-grown in Normandy were investigated from May 1987 to May 1988. During the winter period, the concentrations of high DP (degree of polymerization) fructan were the lowest whilst those of ethanol-soluble carbohydrates were th highest. Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates also accounted for most of the non-structural carbohydrates of four cultivars of Lolium perenne field-grown in central France in January 1989. The accumulation of osmotically active carbohydrates during winter leads only to small depression of freezing point and consequently, these sugars cannot be considered as efficient cryoprotectants in ryegrass.