The Relationship between Menarche and Sexual, Contraceptive, and Reproductive Life Events

Relationships between menarche and sexual, contraceptive, and reproductive life events were investigated by structured interviews of 585 Danish women, aged 15–54 years. Data were analyzed by multivariate test statistics. The trend toward an earlier menarche was confirmed. No association was found between menarche and social class. Women with early menarche had an earlier coital debut. After correction for coital debut, no association was obseved between menarche and coital frequency, number of sexual partners, or use of oral contraceptives. Menarche was not associated with number of births, spontaneous or induced abortions, or frequency of ectopic pregnancies. The results suggest that the predictive value of the menarche for sexual and contraceptive life events is conditioned primarily by the association between menarche and coital debut.