The effect of the cryoprotective agents glycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and inositol was studied on Ehrlich and 6C3HED mouse ascites tumor cells. A marked release of both nucleic acids and protein was caused by incubation for 1 h in glycerol or DMSO, an observation which suggested cell disruption. The osmolarity of ascites tumor fluid was found to be 300 ± 10 milliosmoles, a level corresponding to 2.1% DMSO, 2.2% glycerol, and 5.4% inositol. Incubation in isotonic solutions of DMSO and glycerol caused a marked release of both nucleic acids and protein. In contrast, incubation with isotonic inositol caused a release of nucleic acids but essentially no protein beyond the amount released in the control fluid of Hanks' balanced salt solution. In all cases, the release of intracellular materials was influenced by age of the tumor cells and the temperature of incubation.The specific release of nucleic acids in the presence of inositol was found to occur to greatest extent early in the incubation period. This release could be inhibited by sodium chloride.