Seasonal Indicators and Seasons of Estonian Landscapes

Seasonality and seasons of Estonian landscapes are analysed using selected natural and social indicators of urban and rural landscapes. Seasonality has a great influence on the ecological and visual features of landscapes; seasonal variability is especially great in temperate climate zones where relatively cold winters alternate with warm summers. The indicators that are suitable for describing the seasonality of landscapes are natural parameters such as air temperature, radiation regime, climatic seasons and snow cover, and social parameters of birthdays, alcohol consumption and state budget allocations. Because of the great seasonal differences in natural and socio-economic conditions, the differences between urban and rural landscapes having different seasonal rhythms are focused upon. One of the main differences is the change in lifestyle which is detected in the change in the seasonal variability of births. Seasonal differences between urban and rural landscapes are also confirmed by parameters of changing climate and some social indicators. The developing information society creates new jobs and a lifestyle that has its own seasonal rhythm. Periods of active work and social activity accumulate towards the deadlines preceding the Christmas and the summer period of vacations. A project-oriented information society has more flexibility to enjoy nature in rural landscapes during different seasons.