Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments of the First2+State ofSm154

The hyperfine interactions of the first excited 2+ state of Sm154 have been measured in SmCl3·6H2O and SmIG at 4.2°K, using the Mössbauer effect following Coulomb excitation. The results in SmCl3·6H2O have been used to determine the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments μ154=(0.778±0.036)μN and Q154(1R)=1.33±0.46 b, respectively. μ154 has been used to determine Heff=3.04±0.12 MG in SmIG at 4.2°K. This value for Heff (SmIG) agrees with the value used by Atzmony et al. to measure gR152 in SmIG; thus their value for gR152 is confirmed. An improved technique for using the Mössbauer effect following Coulomb excitation is reported.