A computer‐based study of the impact of the proposed Wabo hydroelectric scheme on the Purari River, Papua New Guinea was carried out. The HEC‐6 model, Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Centre was used to simulate the effect of the dam on sediment transport and erosion in the lower Purari. Two runs with the model were carried out. The first one was used to establish baseline conditions and the second modelled dam impact.Before the study was carried out, data had to be collected on channel geometry, sediment input, river bed material size composition and hydraulic conditions in the river. Supplementary models also had to be developed to fill in gaps in runoff records and to describe flow in the river during power generation.Results of the investigation indicate that limited erosion will occur because of bed‐armouring and the river will adjust towards a new equilibrium condition quite rapidly. The sediment output of the river into the Purari delta will change, load in the clay, silt and sand/gravel fractions decreasing by 22, 53 and 78 per cent respectively.

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