Infrared spectrum of polyvinyl chloride. II

In order to assign the CH, CH2‐vibration modes and the skeletal modes in the spectrum of polyvinyl chloride, we obtained deuterated polyvinyl chloride and the infrared spectrum of it, and we assumed that frequencies of the skeletal modes and the C‐Cl stretching modes may not change drastically by deuteration. The frequencies of the bands of polyvinyl chloride at 1428, 1333, and 1255 cm.−1 were largely shifted by deuteration and we assign the 1428 cm.−1 band to the CH2‐bending mode and the bands at 1333 and 1255 cm.−1 to the CH‐deformation modes. As the frequency of the band at 1094 cm.−1 was not largely shifted, we assign it to the skeletal stretching mode. As the band at 969 cm.−1 separated into two components at 937 and 787 cm.−1 by deuteration, we believe that this band consists of two overlapped bands, one caused by the skeletal stretching mode and the other by the CH2‐rocking mode. Both the band of polyvinyl chloride at 837 cm.−1 and the band of the deuterated polymer at 806 cm.−1 disappear when they are molten. We think these two bands correspond to each other and assigned them to the skeletal stretching modes.

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