A Study of Exercise-Induced Microalbuminuria in Type I (Insulin-Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus

Microalbuminuria is thought to be an important prognostic factor in diabetes mellitus. To study the influence of changes in blood pressure on the development of microalbuminuria during exercise, two exercise tests were carried out. A total of 32 insulin dependent diabetic men whose age at onset was less than 30 years, mean duration of diabetes 14 years (range 7 to 21) and mean age 29 years (range 21 to 40), and who did not have albuminuria (N-labstix negative) were studied. The diabetic patients were compared with a total of 29 age-matched male control subjects. Urinary albumin excretion was measured during two exercise tests: at a standardised workload (150 W) for 30 min, and at a standardised heart rate for 25 min. The diabetic patients had higher albumin excretion rates during both exercise tests compared with the control subjects. Blood pressure and heart rate during exercise were significantly higher in diabetic patients compared with control subjects in the standardised workload test. If the test was individualised to achieve the same standardised heart rate there was no significant difference in blood pressure between the diabetic patients and the control subjects. These results indicate that the diabetic kidneys were more sensitive than the healthy kidneys to similar degrees of haemodynamic stress induced by exercise.