Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Vanadium Chromium Hydride

The Knight shift K and the spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of the nuclear magnetic resonance of V51 are measured in the system V1xCrxHy. Values of KV and (T1)V in the binary systems V1xCrx and VHx are compared with present measurements in the ternary system using a rigid-band model. Both KV and (T1)V depend, to a good approximation, upon the electron-per-atom ratio of the alloy, z=5+x+y, and are independent of relative concentrations of Cr and H. Data are consistent with the screened positive-ion model for hydrogen in the metal in which the hydrogen atom contributes its electron to the conduction band of the system. No Knight shift of the H1 spins has been detected. The temperature dependence of T1 for H1 was measured in several alloys. A minimum in (T1)H is attributed to thermally activated diffusion of protons. Activation energies measured range from 1.5 to 8 kcal/mole.