Analysis of utility industry data systems. Final report

This project examined the usefulness of the three most prominent availability and reliability related data systems currently being supported by the electric power industry. They are the Equipment Availability Data System (Edison Electric Institute), Operating Units Status Reports - Gray Books (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and the Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System - NPRDS (American National Standards Institute). The aim of this study was to test the completeness, accuracy, and utility of these data reporting systems by attempting to apply the data to power plant reliability and availability analysis. The study showed that the data systems can be used now to provide summary statistics on generating unit performance such as availability, capacity factor, and energy generation. The systems can also identify, but only in general terms, the cause and the extent of generating unit outages. Further detailed information on such things as component failure rates and repair times are not provided except in the case of some nuclear safety class components, and this to a limited degree. The limitations of the data systems derive principally from their design and from imcomplete or inaccurate reporting of data. The results of some of the computations which can be made with existing datamore » are provided together with cautions concerning their interpretation. This study also indicates limitations and deficiencies in each of these systems. The basis for judging limitations and deficiencies was not necessarily what the data systems were designed to do, but on their ability to supply data necessary to perform basic reliability and availability analyses applicable to power plants and their equipment. Recommendations are offered concerning actions necessary to enhance exiting systems and actions that should be considered in the development of any new data reporting system.« less

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