Characterization of Microtubule‐Associated Protein 2 from Mouse Brain and Its Localization in the Cerebellar Cortex

Microtubule‐associated protein (MAP) 2 was purified from the microtubule fraction of mouse brain by heat treatment and BioGel A‐5m gel nitration. The purified preparation showed a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sul‐fate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using both a gradient gel (3.75–12.5%) and a low‐percentage gel (5%), a finding indicating that MAP2B was absent under the conditions used. Amino acid analysis revealed that mouse MAP2 was an acidic protein with an isoelectric point (pI 4.5) and amino acid composition similar to close of porcine brain MAP2. Im‐munoblot analysis indicated that the antigens that reacted with MAP2 antiserum were present in large quantities in mouse brain. However, we also found a weak reaction in various tissues other than brain, and the major antigens involved were recognized to be common molecular species with the same molecular mass, 162 and 170 kilodaltons. Using antiserum against mouse brain MAP2, the developmental localization patterns of MAP2 in the mouse cerebellar cortex were studied by immunohistochemistry. MAP2 was mainly localized in the neuronal cells throughout development, with the expression in Purkinje cell dendrites being especially remarkable in the growth of arborization from postnatal day 3 to day 20. At the mature stage, the reaction was strong in the dendritic tree but very weak in the proximal dendrites and cell bodies.