Thiazole and the Growth of Excised Tomato Roots

In earlier work a medium containing mineral salts and pure cane . sugar was proved inadequate for the growth of excised tomato roots, while one of mineral salts, cane sugar, and crystalline vitamin B1 was adequate for apparently indefinite growth. It is now found that vitamin B1 could not be replaced in such a solution, under the conditions of the test, by vitamin G or B2 (lactoflavine), cysteine hydrochloride, pantothenic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, inositol, urea, aspara-gine, yeast ash, Zn and B salts, the Hoagland A to Z mixture containing salts of Li, Cu, Zn, B, Al, Sn, Mn, Ni, Co, Ti, I, and B. 4-Methyl-5-[beta]-hydroxyethylthiazole, a constituent used in synthesizing vitamin Bi, at a concn. of 0.1 [gamma] yer cc, could replace vit. B1 in the growth of excised tomato roots; 2-methyl-5-bromo-methyl-6-amino-pyrimi-dine, the other constituent in synthesizing vitamin Bi, was unable to do so. Evidently the thiazole but not the pyramidine radical of the vitamin is effective.

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