Epidemiology of carcinoma in situ of the upper. Aerodigestive tract

Epidemiologic analyses of upper aerodigestive tract (UAT) carcinoma in situ (CIS) are nonexistent, hence only hospital records and surgical pathology resources are available for its descriptive characterization. The National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results investigation has, however, published valuable raw data pertaining to CIS of the UAT. This information is analyzed here and summarized for the first time, demonstrating the following: a male incidence rate which is four times greater than the female rate (0.8/100,000 males versus 0.2/100,000 females); similar ages at diagnosis for both sexes (62.7 and 60.0 years of age for males and females, respectively); no significant urban/ rural incidence differences; that CIS represents 2.8% of all UAT malignancies; that 2.0% of all CIS lesions in humans are found at UAT sites; and that CIS of the uterine cervix is not a good model for CIS of the UAT.